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Homeopathy is a gentle, complementary and holistic system of healing, suitable for all ages. 

Homeopathy is often referred to as an holistic system of healing and can support a patients wellbeing either as a standalone therapy, or compliments standard conventional medical treatments. It is a natural healing process, offering remedies to assist the patient to regain positive health by stimulating the body’s own natural defence mechanisms.

In its current form, the basic principle of homeopathy is:

A substance which can cause symptoms when taken in large (and repeated) doses by a healthy individual, can be used in small, diluted amounts to treat similar symptoms.  

This is also referred to as the LAW OF SIMILARS.

In modern times, Homeopathy is used both as a standalone therapy, as well as a complimentary therapy alongside conventional medicine and treatment.



Free Consultations

Consultations (telephone or video) are available with the Practitioner at no charge. It is always best to discuss your health concerns over the phone. 

At Homeopathic Solutions, the availability of live video consultations further helps by providing you with a high quality consultation where treatment and protocols may be discussed, all from the safety of your home.


Consultation Timings

We all lead very busy lives, and this is taken into account for any requests for a consultation. 

Consultation appointments are very flexible, and tailored to fit to your preferred times and days.

With this approach, you are free to discuss your health concerns without the worry of having to take time off work, or to make special arrangements.

Pioneers of homeopathy

These pioneers spent their lives serving humanity through homeopathy.

Nearly all of them were highly qualified Medical Doctors in their respective medical fields.

They were renowned physicians many of whom personally met or had contact with the founder of Homeopathy, Dr. Christian Frederick Samuel Hahnemann.



Privacy Policy

At Homeopathic Solutions , we recognize that the proper handling of personal data is very important. And therefore we want to inform you about personal data we collect, and how and why we use and share it.

We also want to give you choice over such collection, use, and sharing of your personal data.

We furthermore think that providing this information and managing such settings at one single place increases transparency for you.

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